Drawterm to your terminal -Diff-

This memo describes how to setup your standalone terminal to accept drawterm and cpu(1) connections.


This assumes DHCP internet service. Change the ip/ipconfig line if needed.

term% ip/ipconfig
term% auth/factotum
term% echo 'key proto=p9sk1 dom=livecd user=glenda !password=password' >/mnt/factotum/ctl
term% aux/listen1 -t tcp!*!17010 /bin/cpu -R &

This shortcut works on any Plan 9 system that isn't already running a standard authserver + keyfs. It works because starting listen1 with the -t flag keeps the factotum available in the namespace of the cpu listener for direct authentication. Drawterm from another OS will connect as usual. CPU from Plan 9 requires an auth server to validate the key.

(There seems to be a "direct auth" trick drawterm does that CPU(1) does not. It would be nice if CPU(1) also could connect without an authserver with this setup.)


Keyfs(4) is the process managing the users' key database. Create a new key database as $home/lib/keys.

term% touch  $home/lib/keys

Start keyfs(4). It will ask you the password which is used to encrypt the key database file ($home/lib/keys).

term% auth/keyfs  -p  $home/lib/keys
Password: keyfilepassword
0 keys read

Add a user to the key database

term% auth/changeuser  -p  glenda
Password: loginpassword
Confirm password: loginpassword
assign Inferno/POP secret? (y/n) n
Expiration date (YYYYMMDD or never)[return = never]:
1 keys read
Post id:
User's full name:
Department #:
User's email address:
Sponsor's email address:
changeuser: can't open /adm/keys.who

The last line is just a warning. You can ignore it.

Now populate the factotum(4) with the hostowner information.

term% echo 'key user=glenda dom=drawterm.test proto=p9sk1 !password=loginpassword' > /mnt/factotum/ctl

Start the authentication server on the "ticket" port.

term% aux/listen1 -t 'tcp!*!ticket' /bin/auth/authsrv &

Start the cpu service listener on the "ncpu" port.

term% service=cpu aux/listen1 'tcp!*!ncpu' /bin/cpu -R &

Then connect to your terminal using drawterm.

$ drawterm  -a  ip.of.the.term  -c  ip.of.the.term

Once you've finished the above sequence, the key database should be created correctly. So if you reboot your terminal, you don't need to repeat the whole thing again. In short, it should be enough to do the following:

term% auth/keyfs -p $home/lib/keys # you can add this command to your profile
Password: keyfilepassword
1 keys read
term% echo 'key user=glenda dom=drawterm.test proto=p9sk1 !password=loginpassword' > /mnt/factotum/ctl
term% aux/listen1 -t 'tcp!*!ticket' /bin/auth/authsrv &
term% service=cpu aux/listen1 'tcp!*!ncpu' /bin/cpu -R &


If you need access from really old versions of drawterm that don't support 9p2000 change the aux/listen1 call to listen on port "cpu" and call cpu with the -O arg. Note that '-O' refers to the capital letter O and not a zero.

term% service=cpu aux/listen1 'tcp!*!cpu' /bin/cpu -O &


To setup a proper cpu/auth server see: Configuring a standalone CPU server.

See the drawterm page for links to download source and binaries for various architectures.